Assignment #1

Examples for this assignment are in the powerpoint presentation. There are copies of this presentation in the classroom and the SVA library.

Homework Assignment: Exploration of Forms and Textures
        Figure 1
This is a process-based method of working. Create forms by responding to the properties and behavior of clay.
Developing sound construction techniques using slabs, coils and the pinching methods.


1. 20 Test Tiles: Remember to start recording your process descriptions in your sketchbook. Be sure to label each tile with your initials and a number. You can choose to coordinate your experiments with your classmates.

            a. at least 5 blank tiles for glaze tests, approximately 2” x 3” and ¼” to 1/3” thick
            b. 10 textured tiles – use any objects to create an array of textures (impress   objects, imprint fabric, use different object such as combs, sticks, wheel, wood, etc…). At least one tile should be incised or carved.
            c. 5 tiles experimenting with slip or underglaze.         
            ****slip is most successful when applied to unfired clay; underglaze can be             applied to either unfired or bisque ware (fired clay)****

Figure 1. Each technique favors creating a particular kind of form.

2. Coil Constructions
Experiment with making coil constructions. You will find that many of your experiments may not succeed and you will have to recycle the clay. Save at least 2 medium sized forms (two dimensions at least 6” long). You can choose to cover or reveal the coil forms.

            Your forms must follow these parameters:
            a. nothing that resembles a vessel or a functional object (a combination of resting     on the ground with a   flat plane, a hollow interior and opening)
            b. one form must utilize a negative space between the coils.

            Working hint: Drawing is a helpful way of brainstorming profiles for forms. A helpful way of conceptualizing forms three dimensionally is by using a solid piece of clay. Drop it, push it against hard forms (i.e. the edge a table), carve it, run a wire tool through it, make simple building blocks and reassemble the chunk of clay… Once you find an interesting composition, build it hollow with coils.  (Illustrations of this method are hanging on classroom wall.)

3. Slab Constructions
Experiment with making slab constructions. You will find that many of your experiments may not succeed and you will have to recycle the clay. Save at least 2 medium sized forms (two dimensions at least 6” long). You can choose to cover or reveal the coil forms. Similar to the coil assignment, your forms must not resemble a vessel or a functional object (a combination of resting on the ground with a flat plane, a hollow interior and opening)

4. Medium Sized Construction Using Any Combination of Methods
Using any combination of coils, slabs, pinching and/or adding, create a form that is at least 8” and 6” for two dimensions. Consider how this form is interacting with the ground. This form cannot rest on the ground with only one flat plane i.e. figure 2. Rather use one of the following approaches:
            resting on sides of planes (Figure 1)
            resting on coils with negative spaces between table and form (Fig. 2 and Fig. 4)
            resting on single to multiple points (i.e. Fig. 2 and Fig. 4)

You can have some of the sculpture resting on a full plane as long is it meets the ground in other ways. Look at the negative space between the form and the ground to help with the composition.         

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