Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Series Assignment



Choose one or two sources to create a series of pieces. Look for objects that have interesting forms and textures. If you discovered forms in your earlier projects, you can use this as one of your inspirations

Regardless of whether or not you choose something from the natural history museum , you can use the field trip to collect ideas for forms, textures and colors.
It will be easier for you to succeed if you do not make literal representations of your sources but rather recontextualize your source.

For the series, create at least 3 sculptures that are all based on you source(s). These can either function individually or separately.


- Bring sketchbook and camera to museum. Gather images for inspiration.
-Put at least 10 of these images in your sketchbook. (print photos)
- Begin by making clay sketches of ideas. This is your opportunity to experiment with approaches. Save at least

Artist Names to Reference:

Angela Cunningham
Annabeth Rosen
Saotoru Hoshino
Anish Kapoor
Olafur Eliasson
Barbro Aberg
Phoebe Cummings (some work perhaps too illustrative?)
Shoko Koike
Paul Swenbeck
Valeria Nascimento
Yo Akiyama
Sadashi Inuzuka
Kiki Smith (organs)
Henry Moore (bones)
 Eva Held

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